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build from

the heart of
the matter...​
Who could we BE ?

I am Alan Froggatt, the founder behind Genratec, a powerhouse in Generative Coaching and Integral Leadership for nearly three great decades.

With a global reach spanning many thousands of individuals more than a dozen countries, we’re redefined what it means to be generative for people, leadership and busines.

Working with people in human development since I was 17, a psychotherapist at the age of 26, and since then, I’ve built successful companies and collectives in human development, business, innovation, and ecology. I’ve coached and consulted hundreds of thriving leaders and companies, fostered vibrant communities, and advised boards, founders and captains dedicated to leading their fields.

But most of all I am a unwavering advocate for the capability and power of human beings to step up, to grow, to be powerful and do great things. To dig deep and fearlessly into the forces of crisis, challenges and opportunities to release the extraordinary untapped capability of individuals and collectives to transform. And we need that more than ever.

We can either architect or abdicate of our destiny. I invite you to step in. With the awareness and tools we can shape a future we give a damn about.

If you are up against it or you are committed to extraordinary reach, then get the support you need; define a path forward. And if you need someone in your corner… then lets talk, I’m looking forward to knowing who you are and what you want to create. Lets make it real.

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